Collective Voice

Collective Voice™ is essential to achieve dynamic change. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that "a riot is the language of the unheard." The word riot in this quote suggests the gathering of more than one person to achieve one goal: to be heard. Collective Voice™ is a unified front presented by persons that share the same ideals or beliefs culminating in a significant vehicle for bringing about change. The transition from a singular voice to the voices of many is essential in creating a collective identity and gives power to the messages presented by the group of people. The importance, power, and efficacy of Collective Voice™ has been demonstrated throughout our history, from the independence and development of our country in the 1800's, to the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's.

In the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955, one woman, Rosa Parks, refused to give up her seat and was thrown in jail. As a result of her defiance, the Black community in Montgomery came together to stand with Mrs. Parks, and collectively refused to ride buses. At first, the boycotters were not taken seriously, and their willpower was underestimated. These community members were not thwarted by efforts to end their protest and remained headstrong. The Collective Voice™ of the members of this community led to the desegregation of the bus system in Montgomery. By choosing to become a Collective Voice™, the participants of the bus boycott had a dynamic impact on society and made history.

Collective Voice™ is a powerful tool in bringing about change and is responsible for many of the freedoms that we enjoy today. It is important to understand the significance of a Collective Voice™ and its effectiveness in illustrating the concerns of many. The demand for change from one person may go unheard, but with the support of many people, their voice can be lifted to unimaginable heights. Together, the voice of many carries more strength and resonance than the voice of one. Please join the Collective Voice™ for equality in America's workplace.